bibliographic decontrol

the kids will have their seitan

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I seem like going to places that cause people to ask "why are you going there?" This weekend was Syracuse.

I had actually been to Syracuse about 5 years ago, though my experiences were quite different back then. Still, I had fun both times.

There are some nice buildings to look at, such as this art deco one, the Niagara Mohawk building.

Just in case.
Under this statue of a fire chief, it says "come on boys"

This car amused me greatly.

On Saturday, Lizzie and I went to Alto Cinco for lunch. I got the super vegan burrito, she got the veggie special, and we had sweet potato fries. The ketchup was spicy and delicious.

This house was all boarded up, but had paintings over some of the boarded bits. Seemed kind of odd. There seemed to be a lot of boarded up buildings, actually.

We went back to Alto Cinco on Sunday. Apparently, the breakfast burrito was going to take too long, so I got another "super vegan" burrito. The picture is blurry because I feel self-conscious taking pictures of food in restaurants. Because it was Sunday morning-ish, this was off the brunch menu, and hence, came with some extra stuff. It was yummy, just like the other one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are some sexy elbows in the food pixxx.
you should send them all to me.

12:03 PM  

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